Exterior Painting Services

Exterior Painting

Everything we do is directed toward giving you the best customer experience possible!

That includes painting services that fit your schedule. We’re available nights and weekends to better serve your needs.
We perform long-term maintenance painting, and payment is based on either time, materials or on a contract basis.

We all know that Arizona can be very hot in the summer and that this Arizona heat and constant sun can take a toll on the exterior of your home! But, with iPaint Arizona, exterior painting is our bread and melted butter (pun intended). We take pride in our thorough, detail-oriented process, ensuring that the job is done in a timely manner and to your standards.
The same careful steps are taken at each exteriorly painted home to obtain a great looking, long-lasting paint job that will allow you to want to be our customer again in the future. If your house is beginning to peel, crack, or fade from the Arizona sun, we would love to assist you in adding some curb appeal to your home.


  1. We start by pulling the gravel away from the foundation and power washing the house to remove any peeling paint, cobwebs, and dirt so that the paint will have a nice base to stick to.
  2. Start the caulking process where other caulking has failed, or is peeling off.
  3. Proceed to scrape loose paint around the house. This most commonly occurs on the foundation.
  4. Start the repair of any dry rotted wood/trim around and on the exterior of the house.
  5. Once all repairs are finished, the house is ready to mask. This will including plastic masking the windows, paper masking the floors, brick, roof tiles, and anything else that should not be painted.
  6. We’re ready to begin painting!

Exerior Painting Projects